The conversation with ChatGPT

ChatGPT explains cross-chain, Multichain and its future

Multichain (Previously Anyswap)
9 min readJan 25, 2023

A: Good afternoon

ChatGPT: Good afternoon! How can I help you today?

A: Vitalik Buterin said that while he is optimistic about a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem, he is pessimistic about cross-chain applications. What are the pros and cons of his point of view and how can multi-chain or cross-chain applications be better designed?

ChatGPT: The pros of a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem, as described by Vitalik Buterin, are that it can enable greater innovation and specialization, as well as scalability and interoperability.

In terms of innovation and specialization, having multiple blockchain networks allows for each network to focus on specific use cases and areas of expertise, rather than trying to be a one-size-fits-all solution. This can lead to more focused and effective solutions for different problems.

In terms of scalability and interoperability, having multiple blockchain networks allows for more flexibility and customization in terms of the types of transactions and workloads that can be processed, as well as the ability for different networks to communicate and exchange data with each other.

The cons of a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem, as expressed by Buterin, are the challenges in developing and deploying cross-chain applications that are secure and reliable. Cross-chain applications are applications that can operate across multiple blockchain networks, and they may be difficult to design and implement due to the need to ensure that they can operate across different networks with potentially different rules and protocols. Additionally, there may be challenges in ensuring that the different blockchain networks can communicate and interoperate effectively with each other.

To better design multi-chain or cross-chain applications, it may be necessary to develop more robust and standardized protocols for interoperability between different blockchain networks. This could include the development of protocols for cross-chain communication and data exchange, as well as the development of common standards and frameworks for building cross-chain applications. Additionally, it may be helpful to focus on building cross-chain applications that are highly modular and flexible, so that they can be easily adapted to work with different blockchain networks and protocols. Finally, it may be necessary to invest in research and development efforts to address any technical challenges and limitations that may arise in the process of building and deploying cross-chain applications.

A: With crypto transactions down in the current market downtrend and cross chain transactions dropping, does this mean cross chain is no longer feasible?

ChatGPT: It is not uncommon for there to be fluctuations in the level of activity in the cryptocurrency market. The market can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as investor sentiment, regulatory developments, and technological innovations. A downtrend in the market could potentially lead to a decrease in the number of cross-chain transactions being performed.

However, it is important to note that the feasibility of cross-chain transactions is not necessarily tied to the overall state of the cryptocurrency market. Cross-chain transactions can still be performed even in a downtrend, and their importance and potential usefulness to the cryptocurrency industry remains unchanged.

It is also worth noting that the market can be highly unpredictable and that downtrends are often followed by uptrends. It is therefore possible that the market could recover and that the level of cross-chain transactions could increase once again.

A: Multichain, is a decentralized cross chain bridge in crypto. Do you know any of Multichian’s products? What products does it have available?

ChatGPT: Multichain is a decentralized cross-chain bridge that enables seamless communication and transactions between different blockchain networks. Some of the products that it has available include:

  1. anyCall: a cross-chain messaging protocol that allows users to send messages and data between different blockchain networks.
  2. multiBTC: a Bitcoin-wrapped token that is compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains, allowing users to easily and securely move their Bitcoin holdings onto the Ethereum blockchain.
  3. Router: a tool that allows for the execution of arbitrary transactions between different blockchain networks, enabling users to take advantage of the unique features and capabilities of different blockchain networks.
  4. Bridge: a decentralized cross-chain bridge that allows users to move assets between different blockchain networks, facilitating the exchange of assets between different blockchains.
  5. Explorer: a tool that allows users to search and explore the different transactions and data stored on the Multichain platform.

Overall, Multichain is a comprehensive platform that provides a wide range of tools and services for enabling seamless communication and transactions between different blockchain networks.

A: Could you explain what is secure multi party computation technology and how it is used by Multichain?

ChatGPT: Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function on their inputs, while keeping their inputs private. This is achieved by dividing the computation into a series of steps, each of which involves the interaction of two or more parties, and using cryptographic techniques to ensure that no party can learn the inputs of any other party.

SMPC technology has a number of potential use cases, including:

  1. Privacy-preserving data analysis: SMPC can be used to allow multiple parties to jointly analyze data while keeping the data private. This could be useful in scenarios where multiple parties want to share data and insights, but do not want to reveal their individual data sets.
  2. Secure online voting: SMPC could be used to enable secure online voting by allowing multiple parties to jointly compute the results of an election without revealing individual votes.
  3. Secure financial transactions: SMPC could be used to enable secure financial transactions between multiple parties without revealing sensitive information about the transaction.

It is not clear how Multichain specifically uses SMPC technology, as there is limited information available about the company and its products. However, SMPC technology has the potential to be a useful tool for enabling secure and private communication and computation between multiple parties in a variety of contexts.

A: Is SMPC a shared or isolated verification method? How does it compare to other verification methods?

ChatGPT: Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) is a cryptographic protocol that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function over private inputs in a way that preserves the privacy of those inputs. This makes it a shared verification method, as it involves multiple parties collaborating to validate a transaction.

SMPC can be a useful tool for enabling secure and private cross-chain transactions, as it allows multiple parties to verify the authenticity of a transaction without revealing any sensitive information about the transaction itself. This can help to protect the privacy of the parties involved and make it more difficult for third parties to intercept or tamper with the transaction.

There are a number of other shared and isolated verification methods that can be used for cross-chain transactions, each with its own unique set of benefits and trade-offs. Some examples include:

  • Shared Verification: In addition to SMPC, other shared verification methods for cross-chain transactions include consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). These methods can be effective at ensuring the security and integrity of the transaction, but they may also be resource-intensive and may not be well-suited to high-frequency transactions.
  • Isolated Verification: This refers to verification methods that involve a single party independently validating a transaction. One example of an isolated verification method for cross-chain transactions is the use of a centralized third party, such as a bank or exchange, to verify the authenticity of a transaction. While this approach can be relatively fast and efficient, it may be less secure than shared verification methods, as it relies on the trustworthiness and reliability of the third party.

Overall, the choice of verification method for cross-chain transactions will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the blockchain network in question. Different methods may be more suitable in different circumstances.

A: With zero knowledge proofs being touted as the new method to determine transaction integrity. What effects or benefits will zero knowledge proofs have when used in cross chain infrastructure? How will it improve cross chain security and integrity?

ChatGPT: Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are a type of cryptographic protocol that allow one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any information about the statement itself. This makes them a useful tool for enabling private and secure transactions, as they allow parties to verify the authenticity of a transaction without revealing any sensitive information about the transaction itself.

In the context of cross-chain transactions, ZKPs could potentially be used to improve the security and integrity of the process. For example, ZKPs could be used to verify the authenticity of a transaction without revealing the specific details of the transaction, such as the amount being transferred or the identities of the parties involved. This could help to protect the privacy of the parties involved and make it more difficult for third parties to intercept or tamper with the transaction.

In addition to improving security, ZKPs could also potentially improve the efficiency of cross-chain transactions by allowing for faster and more streamlined verification. This could help to make the process of exchanging assets between different blockchain networks more seamless and user-friendly, potentially increasing the overall adoption and use of cross-chain transactions.

Overall, the use of ZKPs in cross-chain infrastructure could potentially have a number of benefits, including improved security, privacy, and efficiency. However, it is important to note that ZKPs are a relatively new technology and their use in cross-chain transactions is still in the early stages of development. It remains to be seen how they will be adopted and used in practice.

A: Multichain has announced the launch of zkRouter. How will the advent of zero knowledge proofs impact and evolve cross chain services?

ChatGPT: The launch of zkRouter by Multichain represents an important development in the field of cross-chain services, as it allows users to execute zero knowledge proof (ZKP)-based transactions between different blockchain networks. This has the potential to significantly improve the security and privacy of cross-chain services by enabling users to verify the authenticity of transactions without revealing any sensitive information.

As the use of ZKPs becomes more widespread in the cross-chain space, it is likely that we will see a number of other innovations and developments in this area. Some potential ways in which the advent of ZKPs could impact and evolve cross-chain services in the year ahead include:

  1. Increased adoption of ZKPs: As the benefits of ZKPs become more widely recognized, it is likely that more organizations and individuals will adopt ZKPs to secure their cross-chain transactions. This could drive the development of new cross-chain services and applications that rely on ZKPs for security.
  2. Improved security and privacy: The use of ZKPs has the potential to significantly improve the security and privacy of cross-chain services by enabling users to verify the authenticity of transactions without revealing any sensitive information. This could make cross-chain services more attractive to a wider range of users and applications.
  3. Greater interoperability: ZKPs could be used to enable greater interoperability between different blockchain networks by allowing users to securely and privately verify the authenticity of transactions without revealing sensitive information. This could facilitate the exchange of assets and data between different blockchains and drive the adoption of cross-chain services.

Overall, the advent of ZKPs has the potential to significantly impact and evolve cross-chain services in the coming year, enabling greater security, privacy, and interoperability between different blockchain networks.

A: How will the cross chain space evolve in 2023?

ChatGPT: It is difficult to predict exactly how the cross-chain space will evolve in 2023, as it depends on a wide range of factors including technological developments, market trends, and regulatory environment. However, some potential ways in which the cross-chain space may evolve in 2023 include:

  1. Continued development of cross-chain protocols: It is likely that cross-chain protocols will continue to mature and improve in the coming years, enabling greater interoperability and communication between different blockchain networks.
  2. Increased adoption of cross-chain solutions: As the benefits of cross-chain communication become more widely recognized, it is likely that more organizations and individuals will adopt cross-chain solutions to facilitate the exchange of assets and data between different blockchain networks.
  3. Greater integration with mainstream systems: Cross-chain solutions may become more widely integrated with mainstream systems and platforms, enabling greater interoperability between blockchain networks and traditional systems.
  4. Evolution of governance models: As the use of cross-chain solutions grows, it is possible that new governance models may emerge to help manage and coordinate activity across different blockchain networks.

Overall, the cross-chain space is likely to continue evolving and growing in the coming years as more organizations and individuals recognize the benefits of cross-chain communication and adoption increases.

A: Sounds like some interesting developments are in the works for the cross-chain space. Thanks!

ChatGPT: Yes, the cross-chain space is an exciting and rapidly evolving field, and there are likely to be many interesting developments in the coming years. I’m glad I could help! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

A: ❤️



Multichain (Previously Anyswap)

Cross-Chain Router Protocol (CRP), an infrastructure for cross-chain interoperability, envisioned to be the ultimate router for Web3